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How to update existing menus

In this guide, we will cover:

  • Adding new components
  • Adding new products

An important heads up before starting:

If you update menus synced to your aggregator stores (GrabFood, Foodpanda, Deliveroo), make menu updates during off-peak hours and sync the menus to avoid order sync issues.

Atlas menu builder

Atlas menu builder is the easiest way to create new menus and update your ongoing regulars. If you use Atlas Aggregator, you can handle menus for all your platforms from Atlas Merchant Portal and push changes with 1 click.


Adding new components

If you update menus synced to your aggregator stores (GrabFood, Foodpanda, Deliveroo), make menu updates during off-peak hours and sync the menus to avoid order sync issues.

1/ Go to Atlas Merchant Portal.


2/ Click on the hamburger icon to open the left sidebar menu.


3/ Click on menu builder (you must have admin permissions to see this > click on Menus.


4/ You can navigate through your brand menus by clicking on the top section:

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5/ Identify the menu to update > click on the 3 dots on the right side to open options > click on Edit

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6/ Once the menu is open > click on the product you need to update > scroll down to the section “Configurations”.

7/ There are 2 options here:

  • If this modifier can be inside one of the existing modifier groups:
    • Skip this step

  • If this modifier needs to be inside a new modifier group:
    • Click on “Select modifier groups” > click on “+ Create a new modifier group” > create the new modifier > click “Save”.


8/ Identify the modifier group where the modifier should go then:

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i) Click the option “Edit”.

ii) Scroll down to modifiers.

iii) Click on select modifiers.

iv) Add a product or component.

v) Create a new product/component or select an existing one.

vi) Click on “Save”.


9/ When adding a new product or component:

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  • You can “Override price“ if the item’s price differs when selected inside this product (e.g. adding a drink to a bundle).
  • You can set a “Default quantity” if the item is included or pre-selected (e.g. Croissant bundle that includes 1 x croissant by default and 1x choice of drink).

10/ If the menu is only published on your Atlas Online website after finishing all the menu updates:

Verify the product is showing up properly on the website > you are done 🥳


11/ If the menu is synched to any aggregator stores (GrabFood, Foodpanda, Deliveroo), after finishing all the menu updates:

Go back to the menus page > navigate through the top bar through your brands > find the menu that was updated > click on the three dots button > sync your menu to all your active platforms:

i) Click on sync to GrabFood

ii) Click on sync to Foodpanda

iii) Click on sync to Deliveroo

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Wait ~10 mins for changes to be reflected > verify the product is showing up properly on the aggregator store > you are done 🥳


Adding new products

If you update menus synched to your aggregator stores (GrabFood, Foodpanda, Deliveroo), do menu updates during off-peak hours and sync the menus to avoid order sync issues.

1/ Go to Atlas Merchant Portal.


2/ Click on the hamburger icon to open the left sidebar menu.


3/ Click on menu builder (you must have admin permissions to see this > click on Menus.


4/ You can navigate through your brand menus by clicking on the top section:

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5/ Identify the menu to update > click on the 3 dots on the right side to open options > click on Edit

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6/ Once the menu is open > identify the section where your new product will go > click on + Add a product > create a new product or select an existing one (💡 you can select multiple products to be added in one shot, just click on more than 1 product) > click on Add.

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7/ If the menu is only published on your Atlas Online website after finishing all the menu updates:

Verify the product is showing up properly on the website > you are done 🥳


8/ If the menu is synced to any aggregator stores (GrabFood, Foodpanda, Deliveroo), after finishing all the menu updates:

Go back to the menus page > navigate through the top bar through your brands > find the menu that was updated > click on the three dots button > sync your menu to all your active platforms:

i) Click on sync to GrabFood

ii) Click on sync to Foodpanda

iii) Click on sync to Deliveroo

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Wait ~10 mins for changes to be reflected > verify the product is showing up properly on the aggregator store > you are done 🥳