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How to cancel and refund order

While order cancellations are reversible, order refunds are not reversible once initiated. Please ensure you are refunding the correct order and correct amount before proceeding.

How to cancel and refund order on Atlas

1/ On the sidebar menu, find the order you need to adjust:

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  • Today’s ordersif the order was placed today
  • Upcoming ordersif the order is scheduled for a future date
  • All orders — list of all orders, including past orders

** If you use Atlas POS, tap the 🕒 logo to access recent checked-out orders.

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2/ Tap on any order to open up the order details modal. You can search by order ID, table, address, and customer details on the search bar too.


3/ Change the order status from the dropdown to Cancelled.

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4/ If you want to refund the order as well, tap on Cancel and open refund modal. In the refund modal, fill up Refund amount & Refund reason, both are mandatory.

5/ Click on Refund once the details are correct. 6/ You can verify that the refund was successful checking the order payment breakdown—it will state the Refunded amount.


7/ Tap on the + button to see the refund status and print the Refund receipt.

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Will cancelled orders be considered part of my sales?

No, cancelled orders are not considered sales.

Canceled orders will not appear in your Daily summary report.

Cacneled orders will only appear in your Sales report if you toggle the filter to show cancelled orders.

Can I revert an order cancellation?

Yes, you can change back the status from Cancelled to Completed, the same way you changed it from Completed to Cancelled.

While order cancellations are reversible, order refunds are not reversible once initiated. Please ensure you are refunding the correct order and correct amount before proceeding.

Can I revert an order refund?

No. While order cancellations are reversible, order refunds are not reversible once initiated. Please ensure you are refunding the correct order and correct amount before proceeding.